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How to Quit Smoking without Gaining Weight by Martin Katahn Going on a diet after you stop smoking can increase your craving for cigarettes! Dr. Katahn presents a simple program based on the latest scientific research in metabolism, biochemistry, and smoking cessation. His intention is to tell which method of quitting is best suited to you, which exercises have lasting calorie-burning effects, how eating the right foods can help, and how to use safe over-the-counter and prescription drugs. --- Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr The author's approach centers on removing the psychological need to smoke- while the smoker is still smoking. Carr examines the real reasons smokers start to smoke, and why they continue. He then offers a step-by-step program for quitting and valuable information on how to handle withdrawal symptoms and temptation situations. Hardcover, Kindle edition, --- Allen Carr's Easy Way for Women to Stop Smoking by by Allen Carr --- La méthode simple pour en finir avec la cigarette, par Allen Carr. Traduction de Jean-François Piet Poche, --- My gift to help you quit smoking: Stop smoking and stay nicotine free. Why I started to smoke cigarettes and how I liberated myself from the tobacco addiction., by Peter Kruse Paperback, Paperback, ---