| Books about the process of recovery from alcoholism | |||
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Drop the Rock: Removing Character Defects by Bill Pittman & Todd Weber Suggestions related to steps 6 and 7 of the twelve steps of recovery from alcoholism. Paperback, Paperback, Amazon Canada There's More to Quitting Drinking Than Quitting Drinking by Paul O & Jack N A book by the late "Dr. Paul," author of the Big Book story known for "acceptance is the answer to all my problems today" on page 449 of the Third Edition. Paperback, Eternal Sobriety: A Spiritual Guide To Understanding Recovery by Neal P. " . . . author Neal P. shows the parallelism between the successful workings of the Alcoholics Anonymous recovery program and God's Word. . . . Learn about belief systems, principles, free will, choices, habits, emotions, self-control, the helper, how to get on the beam, prayer and meditation, and much more."--from publisher's summary. Paperback, First Year Sobriety : When All That Changes Is Everything by Guy Kettelhack Paperback,
First Year Sobriety: When All That Changes Is Everything, Guy Kettelhack Author, Barnes & Noble 12 Smart Things to Do When the Booze and Drugs Are Gone: Choosing Emotional Sobriety through Self-Awareness and Right Action by Allen Berger "Whether it's called 'dry drunk' or 'white knuckle sobriety,' it's that stage in recovery when we realize that 'putting the plug in the jug' isn't enough. The next step is taking responsibility for the emotional immaturity that fuels our addictive personality and has a tremendous impact on ourselves and others. In 12 Smart Things to Do When the Booze and Drugs Are Gone, Allen Berger, Ph.D., draws on the teachings of Bill W. and psychotherapy pioneers to offer twelve hallmarks of emotional sobriety that, when practiced, give people the confidence to be accountable for their behavior, ask for what they want and need, and grow and develop a deeper trust in the process of life."--from book description at Paperback, The Little Red Book Study guide to the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous. Filled with practical information for those first days of sober living, this little book: offers newcomers advice about the program, how long it takes, and what to look for in a sponsor; Paperback, Don't Let the Bastards Grind You Down: 50 Things Every Alcoholic and Addict in Early Recovery Should Know, or How to Stay Clean and Sober, Recovery from Addiction and Substance Abuse by Georgia W. Paperback, Living Sober. This slim paperback, published by Alcoholics Anonymous, contains thirty-one short chapters with helpful ideas on living sober. Especially helpful for beginners. Paperback, The 7 Key Principles of Successful Recovery: The Basic Tools for Progress, Growth, and Happiness by Mel B. and Bill P. Paperback, Okay, I quit. Now what? / Becoming a Re-Invented Alcoholic by Mark Tuschel "This thought provoking book will get you thinking and planning your new sober lifestyle. Personal responsibility and pride are the foundation of the principles. "This is NOT a 12-step book or religious based. It is nontraditional and sometimes controversial. Adult language and situations are used in this book. NOT for the timid or bashful. It is written for those of us who want to control our destructive drinking and live a fully engaged, normal life." Kindle edition, Paperback, Being Sober and Becoming Happy: The Best Ideas from The Director of Spiritual Guidance at Hazelden by Dr. John A. MacDougall We Are the Luckiest: The Surprising Magic of a Sober Life, by Laura McKowen Hardcover, Kindle edition, Push Off from Here: Nine Essential Truths to Get You Through Sobriety (and Everything Else), by Laura McKowen Hardcover, Sobering: Lessons Learnt the Hard Way on Drinking, Thinking and Quitting, by Melissa Rice Kindle edition, Kindle edition, Amazon Canada The Sober Survival Guide: How to Free Yourself from Alcohol Forever -- Quit Alcohol & Start Living! (Stop Drinking Books by Simon Chapple) by Simon Chapple Kindle edition, Kindle edition, Amazon Canada --- A Gentle Path through the Twelve Steps: The Classic Guide for All People in the Process of Recovery, by Patrick Carnes, Ph.D. Paperback, --- Being Sober: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting To, Getting Through, and Living in Recovery, by Harry Hartounian Paperback, --- The First 90 Days of Sobriety: Recovering from Alcoholism: A Guided Journal, by Natalie Feinblatt, Psy.D. Paperback, Paperback, Paperback, Amazon Canada --- Sober on a Drunk Planet: 3 Sober Steps. An Uncommon Guide to Stop Drinking and Master Your Sobriety (Quit Lit Sobriety Series), by Sean Alexander Paperback, --- Staying Sober Without God: The Workbook: A Psychology-Based Guide Through the Practical 12 Steps of Recovery for Anyone Struggling With Alcohol, Drugs, or Compulsive Behaviors, by Jeffrey Munn Paperback, --- 12 STEP WORKBOOK: Twelve Steps Journal To Sobriety & Addiction Recovery in Anonymous Fellowships with Added 4th Step Inventory Worksheets Paperback, --- |