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High Bottom Drunk: A Novel . . . and the Truth about Addiction & Recovery by Charles N. Roper, Ph.D. Paperback, Best Kept Secret: A Novel by Amy Hatvany "Cadence didn't sit down one night and decide that downing two bottles of wine was a brilliant idea. "Her drinking snuck up on her -- as a way to sleep, to help her relax after a long day, to relieve some of the stress of the painful divorce that's left her struggling to make ends meet with her five-year old son, Charlie.
"It wasn't always like this. Just a few years ago, Cadence seemed to have it all--a successful husband, an adorable son, and a promising career as a freelance journalist. But with the demise of her marriage, her carefully constructed life begins to spiral out of control. Suddenly she is all alone trying to juggle the demands of work and motherhood."
Paperback, The Empty Room by Lauren B. Davis Kindle ebook, Our Town: A Novel by Kevin Jack McEnroe Our Town: A Novel, hardcover, Our Town: A Novel, Kindle edition, ---
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